Customer service plays a key role to us. Our goal is to support customers before, during and after purchasing our products or services

Excellent customer service means offering:


Remote Assistance

Our skilled technicians are available for remote connection that can be quickly and easily activated.
The tools we offer the customer to support remote assistance are:


The assistance system, through the use of pre-installed cameras, allows a qualified technician to check the equipment wherever you are, being able to identify and solve any problem and intervene quickly.

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Recordings are stored on the server for one week.

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The customer can access the recordings whenever he needs

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The system allows you to quickly identify the causes of the alarm

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The system supports remote assistance, no more language barriers

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Faster and easier troubleshooting

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CB Packaging services


The remote assistance system with tablet device allows greater accuracy in identifying any possible problems. RUGGED PC connected to the PLC for direct management of the machine parameters and real time troubleshooting. Thanks to the interactivity of the device, it is possible to receive videos, images and specific instructions in order to improve and speed up interventions on the machine.

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Ready to use. All necessary programs for remote assistance are already pre-installed reducing assistance times.

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It works like a PC with the easy handling of a Tablet

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A single device supports one or more machines

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Ability to see any point of interest through the tablet's camera

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Device suitable for industrial environment: protection against dust-liquids and shocks

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Spare Parts service

Spare parts service has the goal of reducing downtime, extending product life and improving performances.
80% of our spare parts are made in-house to ensure better control and quality. Furthermore, this allows a significant reduction in delivery time.

  • Supply of spare parts subject to wear and tear
  • Supply of Spare parts kits for periodic maintenance
  • Customized replacement for discontinued items


We believe that a properly trained team is a must-have resource for the company. Skilled operators use the equipment at full potential, increasing your competitive advantage.

We offer:

  • Training for mechanical and electronic operators
  • Maintenance training
  • Format changes training
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CB Packaging services

On-site Assistance

Our trained service technicians are available to travel around the world according to customer requests. In case of any failure that cannot be solved by remote support, or in case of an explicit request you can always count on our availability to perform onsite support.

On-site maintenance includes various activities, such as diagnostic visits, scheduled maintenance, integration of upgrades, and interventions aimed at solving various problems

On-site inspections

We put the customer at the centre of its work at every stage of the project. It solves specific needs, offering the possibility of inspections whenever there is a need for a highly specific solution dedicated to your product and tailored to your plant.

We are also able to perform overhaul services by taking charge of every step from design to installation of upgrades, thus ensuring the quality and performance of the system.

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